Vocational Major 

Emily Dias - VM Learning Area Leader 

Spotlight on VCE VM students on Work Placement: 


My name is Bradley Pollard, I am in Year 11 VCE VM. On Fridays I have been given an opportunity to do a work placement as a Bricklayer with Rob, a certified Bricklayer who is a family friend of mine. My VET course is a Cert II Pre-Apprenticeship Building and Construction (Brick/Block laying) which I attend on a Wednesday from 8AM – 12PM. 


Work placement gives me the opportunity to experience what life is like as a Bricklayer. My work placement day normally starts at 7AM as the sun starts to rise, and typically finishes between 2-3PM. As my work placement is on Fridays, we tend to finish a little earlier than other days. During the day I help with small tasks such as cleaning up, making and mixing mud, getting a tool for the Bricklayers if they can’t get it because they’re busy with something or their hands are full. If I’m lucky I get to butter the bricks sometimes. I like to ask Rob questions about the industry and about being a Bricklayer, so I have a bit of knowledge for when I get an Apprenticeship. I’m grateful to be a part of the VCE VM course as I wouldn’t be given this opportunity. I strongly encourage you to choose VM if you are going down a similar pathway of being a ‘tradie’ as you get to go to Trade School and if you're lucky and fortunate enough, conduct a SWL (Student Workplace Learning) on Fridays.

Bradley Pollard Year 11 PH4

 Bradely Pollard, working on a building site.


It is always great to see our VCE VM students out in their environment and making themselves, their families and potential employers proud. 


Joseph Finau and Jordan Paora on Work Experience, cutting pipes for a plumbing job.