
Bruce Topham-  Careers and Pathways Coordinator

Year 9 and 10 Careers Planning Days

In the last two weeks of Term Two, the Year 9 and 10 students will participate in a full day of careers planning as preparation for the 2025 Subject Selection process, which begins following the Careers Expo night in Week 2 of Term 3, Wednesday 24 July 6.00-8.00pm.


The Year 9 Careers Day will take place on Monday 17 June, whilst the Year 10 Careers Day will be held on Wednesday 26 June 26. 


Year 9 Careers Day Program Outline:

(Please note – Year 9 students need to bring a Medicare Card (or photos of both sides) for the period 6 session, getting a USI number)

  • Students go to Homeroom
  • Period 1 Lecture Theatre - Big Picture Career Planning (Mr Topham/Mrs Bourne/Ms Dias)
  • Period 2 Lecture Theatre - Subject Selection Planning - Student Guest Speakers.
  • Current student experience of VCE/VM/VET: College Captains (Royce D’Mello, Abigail Cachart, Sherlyn Antony and Gloria Jada) 
  • Period 3 Lecture Theatre - How to Use "Career Tools" (Online Careers Program) for completing Career Matching activities (Mr Topham)
  • Period 4 Go to Normal Timetabled Day 1 Subject Lessons and your period 4 teacher will supervise you completing the Career Tools activities
  • Period 5 Year 9 Centre - ACU prep, outline and expectations, Getting a USI Number (half Year 9 Year level, then swap) (MrTopham/Ms Kemp)
  • Period 6 Year 9 Centre – City Preparedness, Public transport use and etiquette, How to use the Public Transport App and find a public transport option etc (half Year 9 Year level, then swap) (Mr Topham/Ms Kemp)

Year 10 Careers Day Program Outline:

  • Period 1 Lecture Theatre - Overview of senior studies pathways – presentation (VCE/VM/VET, Tertiary pathways, pre-requisites/ATAR, VTAC) Mr Topham/Mrs Bourne/Ms Dias
  • Period 2 Lecture Theatre - Senior Studies Pathways - Student Experience - Student Panel (Current student experience: College Captains (Royce D’Mello, Abigail Cachart, Sherlyn Antony & Gloria Jada). Deakin University: William Trinh - University life. VM experience - video presentation prepared by VM student
  • Period 3 Lecture Theatre - Presentation on Career Tools Program (Career matching & exploration program) Mr Topham. How to use Career Tools - how to navigate interests tests and career exploration tasks that will be completed in.
  • Period 4 Location: timetabled period 4 classroom - Career Tools testing & career exploration activities. Login to career tools and complete career tests/activities; explore other features/functions of Career Tools. Facilitator: period 4 teacher 
  • Period 5 Lecture Theatre - Job seeking skills & current employment trends
  • Period 6 Lecture Theatre - Real world experience – St. John’s alumni & current student guest speakers.                       Alumni:  Kye Duncan (Commerce Monash) and Joanna Boak (Biomed/Science Monash), Montel Thomas - Musician/Teacher, Sonny  Singh - Barber/Hairdesser, ADF Recruitment - Kiara Di Paola   - (current student experience of ADF recruitment process)

We look forward to working with all Year 9 and 10 students over these two days, as they begin planning their career journey, and subsequently, their 2025 Year 10/Senior Subject Selection.

Software Engineer Virtual Work Experience 

Software Engineers or ‘developers’ are the architects of our digital age. They specialise in creating software solutions that innovate, automate, and simulate to power our interconnected world.


At CommBank, Software Engineers are the backbone, developing and maintaining crucial systems that ensure a seamless and secure experience for customers. They craft every aspect of the Bank's website and app and the complex systems behind-the-

scenes to protect customers’ money.                        

Experience life as a Software Engineer with the Year13 X CommBank Virtual Work Experience. You’ll get to:

  • Participate in real workplace activities. 
  • Learn about the daily work of Software Engineers from the CommBank team. 
  • Explore the intricacies of writing code, testing, and debugging.
  • Gain insight into the ever-evolving world of tech.
  • Understand Software Engineering study pathways.

Upon completion, you'll receive a certificate to add to your resume, but best of all, you’ll have a real sense of how your future could look and feel as a Software Engineer.


Discover the exciting possibilities in Software Engineering by visiting the Year13 X CommBank Virtual Work Experience!

Department of Education - Early Childhood virtual work experience

Discover what it takes to work in early childhood education and embark on a fulfilling career journey with the Department of Education - Victoria & Year13 Virtual Work Experience.


Roles within Early Childhood Education Explore the diverse nature of this in- demand and growing profession. Learn about the key roles of early childhood teachers and educators and understand the differences between them.


A Day in the Life      

Experience the excitement and variety of a typical day in early childhood education.


From engaging in play-based learning activities to planning future lessons that will foster children's development and love of learning, every day offers new challenges and opportunities for growth.


Study and Training Pathways 

Understand the various study and training pathways to early childhood education careers. Eligible students who study and work in Victoria benefit from fee-free TAFE for approved VET courses and up to $25,000 of financial support for approved university courses



Interactive tasks deepen your understanding of the essential skills and responsibilities of early childhood teachers and educators, and help you recognise if a career in early childhood education could be for you.


With thousands of new early childhood roles available, now is the perfect time to explore this rewarding career path!


Take the first step toward a fulfilling career in early childhood education by visiting Year13 to explore the Early Childhood Teacher Virtual Work Experience today!

What is a USI?  


You may have heard of the Unique Student Identifier – or USI. It’s made up of ten letters and numbers and is your education number for life. All students doing nationally recognised training, be it a VET in Schools course, First Aid training, or applying to university, must have a USI.


Why do I need a USI?

Without a USI, you won’t be able to access Commonwealth supported places or HELP loans, and you won’t receive your statement of attainment, qualification, or award upon completion of your studies.


Who should get a USI?

If you’re considering a VET in Schools course for next year or if you’re in Year 12 and thinking about further education, you need to create your USI without delay!


How do I get a USI?

The process is simple and can be completed in less than five minutes using one form of identification, such as a birth certificate or driver’s license.


I’ve forgotten my USI

If you’ve already created a USI but have forgotten your details, you can easily find your USI by following a few simple steps.


Using your USI

A USI also empowers you to take ownership of your education and training journey. With a USI, you can access your VET outcomes online in the form of an authenticated USI VET transcript.


Your VET transcript can be used:

  •   as a credit transfer or demonstrating pre-requisites for further training
  •   as a backup if the original documentation is lost and cannot be replaced
  •   to provide qualifications to employers and licensing bodies
  •   to reduce unnecessary retraining that can result from lost credentials.