
Do It For Dolly Day
About Dolly’s Dream
Dolly’s Dream was created by Kate and Tick Everett following the shattering loss of their 14-year-old daughter, Dolly, to suicide, after ongoing bullying. Kate and Tick’s goal is to prevent other families walking this road. They want to change the culture of bullying by addressing the impact of bullying, anxiety, depression and youth suicide, through education and direct support to young people and families. Dolly’s Dream is proudly brought to you by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea
Last Friday the school celebrated Mother’s Day with a community morning tea. Families were invited to join the students for morning tea at school. A big thank you to Simone Kretchmar for organising and preparing the food with the assistance of the grade 5 and 6 students. The tables were decorated blue, and the students attached a blue ribbon to their uniform to support Dolly’s Dream and starting conversations on the affects bullying can have on student and the importance of speaking up even when your voice shakes. Bullying will not be tolerated at Alvie Primary School. If your child is having issues with bullying, please contact the wellbeing team at the school so we can assist in resolving any problems.
Click the link for local Colac Otway Food Access and Support.
13 12 78(5pm to 9am Monday to Friday, 24 hours on weekends and public holidays)
- for children and young people whose safety is at risk
- https://services.dffh.vic.gov.au/child-protection-contacts
1800 015 188(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
- for women and children who are victims of family violence
- web chat support service Monday to Friday 9am until midnight
Colac 1800 312 820