Learning Gallery

Students As Authors Competition
The 2024 Students As Authors Competition is now open.
The competition is designed to give students an authentic purpose and audience for their writing and provide an opportunity to showcase the writing talents of our students through publication to SORA, the digital library. Regina Menz, the Director of Armidale Catholic Schools, will judge the competition this year, and the theme is Future Worlds.
How do you imagine the future? Write a story that captures a sense of the world to come and how humans will live in it.
The winner of each category will have the opportunity to work with author/illustrator Trish Donald to develop their story as an ebook. Ebooks will be published to the SORA digital library, which means they will reach an audience of over 250,000 students in Catholic schools across Australia.
The competition closes on Friday, June 14th. Entries can be submitted via bit.ly/44NVGd9. Please note that work will need to be submitted using your child’s school account. Please contact the school office if you require support organising this, and we can support your child in submitting the work at school.
Stories submitted must be the student’s own work and be a maximum of 1500 words. Judge’s decisions are final.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Kind Regards,
St Joseph’s Primary
This term in Science, Kindergarten are looking at the unit Material World. Through the unit, students will build an awareness of the strengths and limitations of materials. This week our kindergarteners have been making “I Spy” binoculars made of paper cups, string and textas.
They used their knowledge of the strengths and limitations of materials when they were designing their binoculars. The students had a great time taking their binoculars out onto the playground.
Kind Regards,
Kathlene Fenton
Assistant Principal/Leader of Pedagogy