REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,
This term, we begin the first of our Sacramental programs for our students who are Baptised Catholic. We look forward to celebrating the Sacrament of Penance (First Reconciliation) with some of our Year 2 students in the next few weeks. Please read the following information regarding the Sacramental programs.
Sacramental Program
The following information is for children who are baptised Catholics.
In 2024, Year 2 students will be invited to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, and Year 3 students will be invited to complete the Sacrament of First Holy Communion (Eucharist). These are important Sacraments in your child’s faith journey. Each Sacrament has a special program, which your child will complete in class as part of their Religious Education lessons.
- As primary carers and educators, you will need to take an active role in preparing your child to receive the sacraments.
- A parent is required to attend the Parent Information evening prior to your child receiving the sacrament. This evening will be conducted by Fr Joseph Armah, Parish Priest, your child’s Leader of Learning and the Religious Education Coordinator.
- The children and at least one parent will need to participate in the Rite of Enrolment at a Sunday Mass at 10 am. At the Rite of Enrolment, the children and parents will be presented to the wider parish, asked to commit themselves to prepare for the sacrament and will be given a blessing. This is generally two weeks before the Sacrament.
- At times, tasks related to your child’s sacramental preparation may be sent home for children to complete with their families.
There is a small charge for each child to cover expenses such as certificates, medals and cake. Further details regarding the exact cost and payment will be sent home via Compass closer to the Sacramental date.
Please take note of the following dates for your child’s Sacramental preparation:
Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) (Year 2)
Parent Information Night for Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesday 15th May, 5.30 pm, St. Andrew’s Church
Rite of Enrolment for Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sunday 19th May, 10 am at St Andrew’s Church
Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation)
Wednesday 29th May, 6 pm at St Andrew’s Church.
First Holy Communion (Year 3)
Parent Information Night for First Holy Communion
Wednesday 21st August at 5.30 pm, St Andrew’s Church.
Rite of Enrolment for First Holy Communion
Sunday 25th August, 10 am at St Andrew’s Church.
Reconciliation prior to FHC Sacrament
Friday 11th August - to be completed during school time with REC/Class Leaders of Learning
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Sunday 13th August, 10 am at St Andrew’s Church.
Year 6 RE Test
This term, our Year 6 students will complete their Year 6 RE test. Our learners completed their practice test last week with some great results. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to build our content knowledge skills in Religious Education in preparation for the test. We wish Year 6 all the best in their preparation for the exam.
Yours in faith,
Karlee Hatton
Religious Education Coordinator
Important Dates & Events
Sunday 19 May | Rite of Enrolment Mass for Sacrament of Reconciliation 10 am @ St Andrew's Church |
Wednesday 29 May | Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) 6 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Thursday 6 June | Primary Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Thursday 27 June | Feasts of St Peter & St Paul Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Thursday 8 August | St Mary MacKillop Feast Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Friday 11 August | Reconciliation prior to First Holy Communion Sacrament (to be completed during school time w/ REC & LoL) |
Thursday 15 August | Assumption of Mary Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Wednesday 21 August | First Communion Parent Information Night 5:30 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Sunday 25 August | Rite of Enrolment Mass for First Holy Communion 10 am @ St Andrew's Church |
Sunday 8 September | Sacrament of First Holy Communion 10 am @ St Andrew's Church |
Friday 20 September | Infants Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Friday 1 November | All Saint's Day Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Monday 11 November | Remembrance Day Liturgy 10:40 am @ Stage 3 Classroom |
Friday 29 November | St Andrew's Feast Day Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Monday 9 December | Immaculate Conception of Mary Mass 2 pm @ St Andrew's Church |
Monday 16 December | End of Year Thanksgiving & Graduation Mass 9:30 am @ St Andrew's Church |