Parish News & Events

Holy Saviour Parish Throne of Games
NEW! Youth Program for grades 5, 6 and 7
Holy Saviour Parish would like to initiate a series of events throughout the year (approximately one per term), designed for kids in grades 5, 6 and 7, with a focus on fun.
We are looking for volunteers for a sub-committee to design and plan activities to appeal to this age group.
If you or someone you know is a good fit for this role, please contact Anne in the parish office, or
NEW! Holy Saviour Parish Social Committee
In 2023 the parish enjoyed the Throne of Games, and the Holy Saviour Day party where we danced to music by the amazing Joe Fernandez. Wouldn’t it be great to have a parish social event every few months?!
To make this possible, the PPC is seeking to establish a Holy Saviour Parish Social Committee. If you have a knack for putting together fun activities, then we need you! Or perhaps you can offer complementary skills such as:
- Digital design
- Marketing
- Decorating
- Logistics
- Project management
To contribute to this rewarding mission, creating social events that inspire and engage our broader parish community, please reach out to Anne in the parish office, or email Kimberly D’Lima
If you are new to Holy Saviour, or if you haven’t yet had a chance to get to know any fellow parishioners, please get in touch and let us know you’re here.
Welcome events are scheduled periodically to facilitate the formation of new friendships and kick-start that very important sense of belonging within our community.
Let us know you’re here via one of the following methods:
1. Email
2. Call Helen Forer, Welcoming Committee Leader, on 0417 428 004
3. Write your details on the new parishioners sheet located in the church foyer and include contact details which will allow us to reach out to you.
We look forward to meeting you.
Holy Saviour Parish News
Please CLICK HERE for Holy Saviour Parish mass times and news.