Education in Faith

Sunday, 2nd June
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
The Gospel- Matthew 28: 16-20
Jesus took bread, broke it and shared it.
This Sunday, we are reminded of the promise God has made to us through Moses; we are reminded of God's love for us. By coming to Mass we receive the Body and Blood of Christ and remember the promise that Jesus made in the Eucharist. By receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, we say that we agree with the promises that God has made for us.
This week, we celebrate with two of our students, Zara Onans and Rachael Parisella who will receiving the Eucharist for the first time this coming Sunday, Please keep them in your prayers.
Generous God, we feel your presence all around us,
but never more fully than when we celebrate the Eucharist.
It is here that we find the strength to carry your presence to others.
Your very being allows us to mirror your love in a way we could not do ourselves. Continue to guide us, Lord.