From the 3/4 Classrooms

In maths, the Year 3/4s are exploring ways of learning multiplication and division. It is important that students develop understanding and fluency in multiplication and division, as it is used in all areas of the maths curriculum as they progress through their schooling. 


Students have been playing maths games to help practise their ability to understand arrays and fact families. One of these games is the Paddock Game, where students play against each other practising their multiplication skills. After rolling dice to obtain 2 random numbers, they draw an array on their grid (6 x 4 - 4 rows of 6 or 6 rows of 4). They play until someone fills their grid, and they are declared the winner. 


If you would like to have a go at playing this game at home and to help your child practise their times tables, here are the video instructions.

Our students have been working hard to memorise their times tables. Year 3 students are required to recall the multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten, while Year 4 students are required to recall the multiplication facts up to 10 × 10. Both year levels are expected to be fluent in the division facts related to multiplication facts as well. 


From the Victorian Curriculum - 

  • Grade 3 - Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts (VCMNA134)
  • Grade 4 - Recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts (VCMNA155)


To assist with their learning, next Tuesday (11th June) students will bring home a booklet containing the multiplication and related division drills. This will replace maths home learning on Essential Assessment for the remainder of the of the term.

Other ways to assist your child to learn their times tables and related division facts are -

  • looking up times tables songs on Youtube to sing them!
  • practising them aloud on the way to and from school, and
  • putting a poster up in your child’s bedroom, the kitchen or even on the back of your toilet door!


Happy Practising!

Team 3/4 Teachers