Visual Art

What's been happening in Visual Art this week........

Grades 5 and 6 have continued to work on their 'Ken Done' inspired Australian landscape.  The students are showing particular attention to his use of bright, vibrant colours and are beginning to layer acrylic paint with great affect.  I cannot wait to see these projects when they are finished. 


Grades 3 and 4 have glazed their ceramic work and the results are terrific. It is always so exciting open the kiln and see how the glazing has turned out. 


Grade 1 and 2 having been creating a paper sculptures and learning how to join paper using the flange technique. Over the next couple of weeks the children will learn many paper joining and folding techniques and use them to create a paper city.


Foundation students have been investigating intersecting shapes and experimenting with different line patterns. Looking forward to seeing the final result in a couple weeks  

Artists of the Week

Congratulations to the following students for outstanding effort in Visual Art over the past couple of weeks. Mia and Annie from FKJ for their wonderful 'Mary Blair' inspired city scape using collaged papers and materials. Jasper, July and Kristy from 3AT for their terrific construction, decoration and glazing of their ceramic owls - come in a check them out! These students have demonstrated wonderful attention to detail and design skills when completing their art projects. Bravo. 


Japser 3AT
July 3AT
Kristy 3AT
Anny FKJ
Japser 3AT
July 3AT
Kristy 3AT
Anny FKJ


Volunteers in the Art Room

Thank you again to the parents that were able to help out in the Art Room on Monday.  Your time was greatly appreciated, and we were able to achieve so much. 


If you can spare 20 minutes or longer on a Monday morning between 8.45am-11am or on a Wednesday 10-11am? I would love some assistance to help prepare materials for my weekly art lessons.  Typical tasks might include cutting paper or materials, putting up displays or helping me sort out the art storeroom - no small task! 

I would greatly appreciate any amount of time you can spare no matter how small.  Please email me directly on or pop in and see me in the art room between Monday - Thursday.