Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom -
Overhand throwing has been the name of the game in our Junior School over the past few weeks, as students have continued to work on their ball handling skills. Moving forward, our Foundation classes will be shifting their focus to catching, while our Year 1/2 classes will be continuing to build upon their overarm throwing skills in the next fortnight. Our Year 3-6s have now wrapped up their wall and net sport unit, following their final lesson focus on volleyball. In these year levels, students will now start preparing for the Senior School Athletics Carnival, which is booked in for Monday 29th July. For many of our Year 3/4s this will be an introduction to new disciplines and skills, while most of our Year 5/6s will be building upon existing learning from prior years.
Sporting Events -
Year 3/4 Downball Tournament -
After watching the 5/6 Downball Tournament take place earlier in the term, it was time for our 3/4 students to hit the courts! We had a great mix of boys and girls teams across all age and experience levels and it was fantastic to see so much positivity, resilience and teamwork on display. Congratulations to all teams that participated in this competition and well done to the top four teams, who are listed below. Special thanks as well to those members of the Health Pillar who volunteered their lunchtimes to come along and help out with the scoring and refereeing.
- 1st Place : Yuvaan J and Olvin N
- 2nd Place : Jamie P and Jamie H
- 3rd Place : Soushyan N and Anvay T
- 4th Place : Lindsey T and Isabella I
Division Cross Country -
Cross country season continued for 11 of our students this week, at the Division event at Ruffey Lake Park. Not to be deterred by the very hilly track they were faced with, all of our students competed hard and tried their absolute hardest. To make it to Division is, in itself, an incredible effort, so well done to all of these students on their training, focus and dedication to make it as far as they did with cross country this year. Two of our Year 6 students, Maddie D and Max T continue on to the next stage, with Regionals set to take place in June. Max ran a fantastic 3km to finish in 12th place at his event, while Maddie powered home in the last 50m to finish in 3rd place in her race. Congratulations to both Max and Maddie and, on behalf of all of BPPS, I would like to wish you both the best of luck at Regionals!
Thanks for reading!
Philip Wickham