Energy Breakthrough

In 2024 Ballarat High School will continue our involvement in the Energy Breakthrough Program.


Since 1991, the Energy Breakthrough Program has provided opportunities for students, teachers, parents and local industry to work together to design and construct a vehicle, a machine or innovation in technology that will represent an ‘energy breakthrough’.


Teams then compete with their vehicle in November in Maryborough in a 24 hour endurance event.  The program is unique in that all teams must compete across three areas of assessment: Design and Construction, Display and Presentation and Trials.


The Energy Breakthrough isn’t just a once-a-year event.  The program encourages participants to examine and use the latest technology while considering its impact on the environment and the way people live locally and globally.  It requires a team effort and an across-the-curriculum approach.




Ballarat High School will be fielding junior, intermediate and senior teams in 2024 and we are seeking interested students to be involved. As well as participating in the race in Maryborough in November, students are involved in weekly training session


If students would like to participate they should see Ms Benson  (top floor Sheehan Wing) or Ms Reid (Y9 ALC building) to register their interest.


Ms Benson &  Ms Reid

EB Coordinators