Winter Uniform

With the start of winter, it is a good time to make sure that your student has the required uniform to manage the weather appropriately.


Pants are available for all students and the school jumper is a good warm option over the school shirts. The school soft shell jacket also provides an additional layer of warmth.


Any items worn for warmth underneath  (i.e t-shirts, singlets) are not to be visible.  Tights are to be worn with the winter skirt but should not be worn with the school dress unless an exemption has been granted.


We are currently working with PSW to make a school puffer jacket available but do not have a date confirmed for when it will be available.  Until that time, students are able to wear an additional jacket to and from school.  When students arrive at school the jacket should be placed into their locker and only taken out again to be put on to leave the school grounds.  



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