Student Learning

Class News from Year 6 

It has been a wonderful and busy start to the term in the Year 6 classroom. Musical preparations are in full swing and the Year 6 students have been staying back until 5.30pm every Monday after school to practise scenes and songs. They are doing a great job learning all their lines. 


Last week, the Year 6 students prepared and hosted a ‘Connections Cafe’ for parents. It was a high tea style café, with menu cards, homemade goodies, decorations, and live music. The Year 6 students prepared for weeks beforehand with Mrs Fallon and Mrs Carpenter in their Leaders Passport sessions. Barista coffee was served, along with specialty teas. Conversation cards were made by students to encourage parents to get to know each other, and there were wonderful conversations taking place. Students played the piano as parents enjoyed the delicacies. It certainly was a place of connection. A huge thanks to Mrs Fallon for her effort and organisation. We look forward to future opportunities to serve our school community in this way.


Mel Carpenter 

Year 6 Class Teacher

Premier's Reading Challenge 

As you are aware the Premier's Reading Challenge has commenced for 2024. We have some very keen readers in our school and some students have already taken a second recording sheet. 


You have plenty of time to record your reading, from now until the middle of Term 3.


Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or myself if you have any queries.


Libby Spencer

Premier's Reading Challenge Coordinator

Year 3/4 Port Adelaide Excursion 

In Week 3 of Term 2, the Year 3/4 students went on an excursion to the Port Adelaide Maritime Muesum. It was a great opportunity for students to literally walk into life on board one of the ships that brought out some of our state's early settlers. Students learnt about the living conditions of the early settlers, the tools and materials they used and the process of discovery they would have embarked on. The exhibits also compared the modern age with life in the 1800s. After the museum, students went for a short cultural walk through Port Adelaide to the Harts Mill Playground. 


This was a great day, and we highly recommend it to parents and caregivers as a fun family outing. Many more activities can also be booked around the Port Adelaide area. 


Jordan Wheatcroft

Year 3/4 Class Teacher 

Grandbuddies at Seeds 

We began Grandbuddies again this term with our Foundation D class. We had the opportunity to go to Seeds Church and meet our new buddies for the first time. We had a lot of fun doing some scratch art, a scavenger hunt, bowling and sharing some songs together at the end. We look forward to hosting them again in Week 5 and working out some things that our Buddies might like to do with us.


Lisa Newbury

Early Years Coordinator