Religious Education at Sacred Heart Parish School is concerned with helping children to come to know, worship and love God. ‘The educator who is sensitive to the child’s potential for openness, creativity, wonder and understanding, affection and concrete expression will lead the child gently and in freedom in the gradual development to maturity as a child of God. Such a teacher will take account of the child’s capacities, needs, family environment, religious background and the many other factors which influence the child’s growth in faith. Certainly this is a challenge, but it is one enlivened by the Spirit of God who is with us, guiding us to all truth.’ (Paragraph 5 – Archbishop’s letter, Guidelines for Religious Education)
Goals of Religious Education
The Religious Education Curriculum describes learning and teaching for Catholic primary schools. The Curriculum sits within the context of the Education Framework for the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Horizons of Hope. It also supports the full flourishing of all learners as spiritual and religious, physical and cognitive, social and emotional beings through Religious Education.
In the Religious Education Curriculum Framework, the learning structure has three integrated components:
- Three strands of learning: Knowledge and Understanding; Reasoning and Responding; Personal and Communal Engagement
- Five content areas: Jesus and Scripture; Church and Community; God, Religion and Life; Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament; Morality and Justice. These each have content descriptors.
- Achievement standards.
The Year 3 children are prepared for the sacrament of Reconciliation, with First Eucharist in Year 4 and Confirmation is received in Year 6.
Family participation in Religious Education celebrations is welcomed. Parents are recognised as the first, and most important, educators in the faith of their children.
Within the school curriculum, many opportunities are provided for the children to:
- celebrate Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation as a whole school
- express in practical ways, their concern for the needs of others
- communicate with God in prayer and song.
Whilst all children attending Sacred Heart are included in Religious Education lessons and celebrations, other religious denominations are respected and valued.
Parents are kept informed about the Religious Education program through the school newsletter and evening information sessions.