Grandparents’ Day
The school celebrates family life by holding a Grandparents’ Day during the year. Grandparents or other valued family members are invited to the school to attend Mass, enjoy morning tea and visit classrooms. Numbers have been growing each year with some grandparents visiting from interstate.
Book Week
Book Week is usually celebrated during August and often includes a Book Parade when the children can dress up as their favourite book characters. A Book Fair is also held where parents are encouraged to purchase books and novelties from the wide range available. The school receives a percentage of sales by way of additional books for the Library.
Japanese Day
Japanese Day, generally an annual event, provides all the children with an opportunity to dress in character for the day or in the Japanese national colour of red. A variety of fun activities are planned and an Japanese lunch
Student Fundraising
On a number of occasions during the year, (generally one per term), special days may be advertised for the purpose of fundraising for charity. For example: St Vinnies Stalls & Sleep Out, Catholic Missions, Caritas and World Vision. Sometimes these days may be casual dress days with a gold coin donation.
Sports Carnival
This carnival is held early in Term 1, with all students participating in a wide range of fun and sporting challenges. All parents are encouraged to attend this special school event, with parent helpers warmly encouraged (WWCC required).
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Father’s Day Breakfast
Dad's Footy Match & Dad's Club
Parent Socialse.g. Masquerade Ball, Trivia Nights etc.
School Production/Musical (Biennial)
Every two years, the Sacred Heart students proudly present a musical/school production. This show involves all students in our school, with our Year 5 and 6 students taking all principal roles. Our Prep to Year 4 students take the ensemble roles in the production. Within the Victorian Curriculum we have a broad range of Art subjects, which include dance, drama and music. As a school, we are mandated to cover these subjects over a two year cycle, and all children have an entitlement to access these curriculum areas. Our musical production is a wonderful experience for our community and enriches student learning in all aspects of The Arts.