Education in Faith

Advent Week 3
This week, we are celebrating the third week of Advent at SMCM. This candle is pink or
rose-coloured as this is traditionally the joyful week of Advent. The Church names the Sunday of Week 3 ‘Gaudate Sunday’, which is a Latin word that means rejoice!
We are invited to proclaim the Good News. The word proclaimed is used in our Church as a way of describing how we may share the message of Jesus Christ. This week, we have been reflecting on how we are sharing this message at SMCM and in our world. Do we know anyone who might need to experience God's love and joyful message in their lives?
Thank you for your generosity SMCM!
The JOY of Advent and the Christmas season is very much present at SMCM at the moment, as our community is so generously donating to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal.
There were so many donations to our Christmas hampers that we were able to fill 33 Christmas hampers with gifts, food and Christmas goodies! Thank you so much to our families, students and staff for your donations! Our St Vincent de Paul volunteers were so thankful and overwhelmed with joy yesterday, when they collected all of our hampers, ready for distribution to local families in need.
Upcoming dates
- Graduation Mass at St Monica’s - Friday 13th December at 7:30pm
- End of Year Liturgy - Tuesday 17th December in our Sacred Space
Sacraments 2025
A reminder of our Sacramental dates for 2025. Information about booking a celebration will be handed out early Term 1, 2025.
Education in Faith Leader