Important Dates

Term 4 Dates

Friday 13th December  - Casual Clothes Whole School Reward

Friday 13th December - Semester 2 Reports sent home

Friday 13th December - Year 6 Graduation Mass & Dinner

Monday 16th December - Year 6 Fun Day

Tuesday 17th December - End of Year Liturgy and Year 6 Guard of Honour

Tuesday 17th December - End of Term 4 Students Finish - 1pm 

2025 Key Dates

Term Dates

Term 1 - Thursday 30th January - Friday 4th April

Term 2 - Monday 22nd April - Friday 4th July

Term 3 - Monday 21st July - Friday 19th September

Term 4 - Monday 6th October - Tuesday 16th December


Term 1 Dates

Tuesday 28th January - Staff return to school 

Thursday 30th January  - Prep Transition 8:45-1pm , Year 1-6 Assessments by appointment

Friday 31st January - Prep Transition 8:45-1pm , Year 1-6 Assessments by appointment

Monday 3rd February - School begins for all students 

Thursday 13th March - Prep Family Welcome Picnic

Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th March - School Photos

Wednesday 19th March - Year 4 swimming begins

Saturday 22nd March - Community Fair

Wednesday 2nd April - Celebration of Learning



School Closure Days - Pupil Free

Monday 31st March - Professional Learning for Staff

Friday 6th June - Staff Time in Lieu

Monday 23rd June - Professional Learning for Staff

Monday 3rd November - Staff Time in Lieu

Friday 5th December - 2026 Staff Planning Day



Reconciliation - Wednesday 19th March

First Eucharist - Saturday 31st May

Confirmation - Saturday 16th August



Year 6 Camp - Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th August

Year 4 Extended Day Camp - TBC Term 3

Year 5 Camp - Tuesday 28th & Wednesday 29th October