Charlie Yr7, Jasmine Yr12, Lily Yr12 have all been selected as FINALISTS in RSL commemorative poetry competition.
Charlie Year7
All is quiet on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month when the winds bear whispers of those who passed, we stand in silence, heads bowed down beneath a blue sky that has seen too much.
The earth cradles their faded footsteps war torn field once burnt by fire, now bloom with beautiful rows of poppies red as the blood they gave.
We remember the voices that echoed in trenches, lives lost and wounded the letters smudged with hope sent to hands now still, we must honour their memory.
No names are forgotten here, though time casts through its shadows over their amazing stories.
They live in the quiet breath of dawn, in the soft echo of bells and in the pure hearts of those who stand apart but together and remember.
For those who never returned, for those who carried the weight of a nation, for those who loved, and lost and for those who stood, silently.
Their courage runs deep in our blood, their sacrifice stitched into the fabric of our freedom.
We will remember them
Lily Yr12
As the poppy flower dies,
And its life seems to end,
Its small seeds drop where it lies,
Seemingly too insignificant for us to comprehend.
But those little seeds represent much more,
As they are the future of their history before,
But at their core,
They carry their past,
A small promise that the poppies past will forever last.
Even though the poppy fell,
And seemed to be gone,
Its story we can tell,
As the poppy seeds live on.
With the death of the flower,
A new life is born,
A dusk must happen before the next day's dawn.
Even though the poppy is gone,
Its seeds will forever grow,
Day by Day,
Row by Row,
And those seeds will always get to know where they came from,
No matter how long ago.
The seeds will grow into new poppies and have their own seeds,
But will always remember their past families' brave deeds.
As the poppies fell,
So too did our brave soldiers,
Leaving us with their stories to tell,
And poppies to pin below our shoulders.
So when asked what the day means to me,
I will say it's the remembrance of our past poppy's legacies.