On Wednesday the 16th of October the Performing Arts students and teachers got to attend Beauty and the Beast the Musical in Melbourne. All you can hear are murmurs on the bus as we are getting close to the theatre, everyone was ready to get off the bus as there was a lot of traffic, we stretched our legs by walking to the Melbourne Central mall for some lunch and a walk. Once we were done, we headed back to The Princess theatre and waited to be seated and watched Beauty and the Beast. The show was terrific the costumes had so much colour and sparkle. I think Chip was the crowd favourite as everyone cheered extra loud for him at the end of the show. We stayed seated as the audience cleared out fast and then made our way down to the  front of the stage to do a Q&A with Shubshri (Bell), Richard (Gaston), Nick (Le Fou) and Amy (The Dance Caption). It was a wonderful day to experience.

  • Jasmine. C 7F