Numeracy Update

PAT testing

Over the next month, our Year 7-10 students will complete their PAT testing. This is a 40 minute adaptive test designed to measure growth over the past 12 months, as well as identify the need for any additional support. Students will need their ipad/laptop to be charged and connected to our school internet to complete the testing – please check in with the IT team before school or at recess if required.  


Upcoming Maths events

Robot Missions (8th November) – Selected Year 8&9 students will be problem-solving, coding and designing solutions to a real-life problem at the Ballarat Tech school.


Escape Room (25th November) – Year 7-9 students will puzzle and ponder their way through a range of challenges in a Maths Escape Room. Limited spaces still available – see your Maths teacher to sign up. 


Caitlyn Leversha 

Learning Specialist – Mathematics, Tutor Learning Initiative Coordinator