Principal's Update

Caring Learning Growing: Every Child Every Day

 Dear Families,


As always it is such a joy to watch the children arrive back at school after the holidays. They had smiles on their faces and were so excited to see their friends and teachers. Whilst you might feel you had to battle to get them here, especially after daylight savings started, once they are here they are happy.


Please make sure you check the calendar as this term is a busy one. Most importantly a reminder that there is no school on the 4th and 5th of November. Monday is a school closure and Tuesday is the Melbourne Cup public holiday.


May I also ask that families please check that all jumpers and hats are labelled with the children's names. I collected 2 jumpers and a hat on my way in from yard duty, none of which were named. It would also be appreciated if all families could check jumpers to ensure that their children have the correct one. We also have a lot of named jumpers missing.

