Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Reading: Aim to read for 15 minutes per night.
Inquiry: We are beginning to explore forces in the world around us. Discuss with your family what forces you may see in your everyday life.
Mathematics: Continue to revise your multiplication facts.
You may like to use your timetables app on your iPad for this.
Year 3: 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s
Year 4: all facts – keep revising all facts
You can also create flash cards with unknown facts to practice with.
Learning this week:
Spelling: This week, Year 3 students are focusing on the aw/al/au sounds. Year 4 students are concentrating on the suffix -ist.
You might like to write out your spelling words for additional practice:
Year 3 – aw,al,au | Year 4 – suffix <-ist> |
halt hawk sauce haul thaw salt flaw drawn laundry dawdle already launch auburn awkward alternative audition altogether awesome | exist resist twist insist artist consist chemist cyclist florist persist soloist specialist guitarist scientist linguist tourist journalist therapist |
Writer’s and Reader’s Workshop:We will begin to explore how to design and write an experiment that investigates forces. We will focus on formulating a hypothesis, identifying variables and writing detailed procedural steps to conduct our experiments.
Mathematics: We are continuing to use our knowledge of money, budgeting and addition of decimals to plan an exciting party planning investigation!
Unit of Inquiry: We will continue our in-depth exploration of our classification unit, while also investigating the concept of forces through hands on science experiments.
Swimming Week – This ¾ cluster will be attending Swimming Week in week 4
Please return the consent forms for Swimming by Friday Week 2.
The dates for swimming are: Monday 4th November – Thursday 7th November.
Things to remember to pack:
-Appropriate swimwear that covers their shoulders
-Plastic bag/wet bag for wet clothes
-Spare underwear and socks
-long hair to be tied back (ideally braided for girls) to avoid those pesky after swim knots.
-It is also a good idea to pack some additional food in your child’s lunch box on these days, as swimming makes them extra hungry.
Pupil Free Day – Term 4- Please note that Friday Week 5 (15th November) is a Pupil Free Day.
Carols Evening – The annual schools carols evening is Friday Week 7 (29th November). Please save the date, with more information to come.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Chelsie Riches, Jade Fielke and Cloe Richardson