A note from Mr Jackson

Concert Thanks
What a wonderful evening of creativity, all those present at Tuesday’s concert experienced! There were dragons, dinosaurs, thieves, troopers, astronauts and even some strange happenings that involved a golden singing bowl. Again, we are all grateful for the hours of preparation from teachers and students that brought the show together so wonderfully on the night. A special thanks to our organising team of Jendi Bright, Mel Crispe, Heidi Yule and Sophie Cartelli who ensured that ‘it was right on the night’. The evening will continue to be a source of great joy for us all - for a long time to come.
Thanks again to FORPS for their fundraising effort and to TheirCare who support contributed the hamper to the prizes. All the winning recipients received their prizes on the night!
Order a Video of the Concert
A reminder that orders for a copy of the video need to be completed by Friday afternoon. Video will be provided on a simple USB stick and are available for $40. Envelopes were provided on the night and are available from the office. All payments to Costello Video can be made in cash or the provision of your credit card details and will be processed by them. Please don’t miss out on what will be a treasured memory of the evening.
Planning a Move in 2025?
One of the significant priorities for term four will be to support students’ as they transition into 2025. These processes place students at the centre as many decisions around staffing, learning spaces, budgets and a range of other factors are made. In order that resources at our school are allocated efficiently, we need to know if your family is leaving the school and will not be present in 2025. Thanks to those families who have already informed us. Please let your classroom teacher know or give me a call.
2025 Class Structures and Composition
Once we are clear on the students who will be with us in 2025, we will put a school structure in place to support teaching and learning. Teachers will then be able to thoughtfully consider each students’ needs in allocating them to a class. During this complex decision making process, staff consider a range of factors including social, emotional and academic needs along with creating balanced class groups.
Each year at this time we invite parents to share their thoughts and information which may affect their child’s class placement for the following year.
The process of placing students into new classes is both complex and layered. A whole range of interconnected factors go into decision making. These factors include; academic performance, social and emotional development, behaviour, independence, relational groups, student history, as well as student and parental preferences. The focus on shaping classes for the coming year is always on building connected learning communities that are balanced throughout the whole school and support the needs of all students.
1. Students’ Learning Friends
Students are currently invited to create a group of five Learning Friends for the coming year. We will do everything we can to ensure that each student has at least one learning friend in their 2025 class. This list of friendships will be sent home with students so that parents can have input and share in the discussion and identification of Learning Friendships with students. Parents are asked to discuss these choices with their child, make changes if required, sign it and return it to the classroom teacher by Friday 25 October.
2. Parents/Carers Reflections
If there are specific requests for student placement in 2025 that are not covered in students’ identification of learning friendships, you can make a request in writing to the principal. Recognising the complexity of the process, I ask that your requests be limited to no more than three suggestions that may be a request to separate or pair students. Any parent requests should be sent to the school email - rosanna.ps@education.vic.gov.au
The request should include ‘2025 Class Placement’ in the subject line and be received by Friday, 25 October. Any correspondence received after this date cannot be considered.
In shaping classes, teachers make every effort to consider all factors presented, but we cannot guarantee that all requests will be accommodated. All will be considered. It is important to note that requests for specific teachers cannot be accepted.
Welcome 2025 Preps –
Wednesday 16 October
Planning for our new 2025 Prep students is well underway with the orientation sessions. If you have a child who will turn five before 30 April next year and intend for them to start school, could you please ensure that you have completed an official enrolment form.
We have planned for a positive start to their first year of primary education and are eager to have them involved in the orientation process. If you know of others who are eager to enrol their child, please remind them to phone us or send through an email to the office.
On Wednesday morning next week, we will see our 2025 Prep students embark on their first orientation. This important orientation session to Rosanna Primary is an important opportunity for our incoming students to get to know the faces and places of our school.
While students will be enjoying the chance to get to know each other, their parents will have an opportunity to gain a clearer understanding of life with a primary school child.
Respectful Relationships Update
This week I have shared with parents via the newsfeed on Compass, information around the Respectful Relationships curriculum focus for Term 4. As we step into term four, students will be exploring a range of content at age-appropriate levels on gender stereotyping and the importance of positive gender relationships. These units are important invitations for parents to build on student learning with conversations at home.
New Enrolment!
We are thrilled to see our resident tawny frogmouth has nested at the end of last term. For those with an eager eye, you can see this remarkable bird nest from just outside 34T. Up high to the right, the two tawny frogmouths have found a precarious nesting place between a fork in a branch. Today the bird is sitting a little higher which may mean we have new chicks in the nest! Keep an eye out for any further action.
3/4 Camp About to Head to Phillip Island – Monday 14 to Wednesday 16 October
There is lots of excitement about the upcoming camp for students in the 3/4 Learning Area. On Monday morning they will head off to Phillip Island and enjoy the delights of the penguins (bring some warm clothes), witness the feeding of the pelicans at Sam Remo, be challenged by the high swing, compete in archery and much more. The day away will be another highlight in a term of adventures! We are sure there will be lots of laughter, fun and learning. Camps are a great opportunity to build the interdependence of all students.
Year 2 Students in 2/3W will benefit from learning in the other 1/2 classes from Monday to Wednesday.
Year 1 Dinner and Year 2 Snooze Introduction
It was great to have teachers share an outline of plans for the Year 1 Dinner and the Year 2 Snooze on Wednesday afternoon this week. Parents and students were provided with a personal walkthrough of the experience by some of our 1/2 teachers. There was lots of excitement about the pizza as well as the magic show. It proved an important strategy to provide a clear understanding about what the adventure will hold. Thanks to everyone who attended. The slide show is available for these families online.
Melbourne Cup Weekend -
Monday 4 November
A reminder that Monday 4 November (the day prior to the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday) there will be a Curriculum Day. This day will see teachers allocate a day to assessment and report responsibilities. TheirCare will be available for working parents.
Preps Diving into Swimming –
From Wednesday 16 October
Our 1/2 students have been soaked to the core during their swimming lessons last term. This term our Preps start their swimming adventures at Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre. Thanks to our volunteers who support this important program. We are thankful that these structured lessons, along with other experiences in the water, will support students in their growing confidence and water safety ability.
Upcoming Photo Day –
Thursday 17 October
A range of sports photos, S2 Junior School Council, S2 Sustainability Leaders and graduation photos will take place next Thursday. Students in these photos are encouraged to bring their leadership badges as well as brush their teeth and comb their hair.
Wear Red on Kindness Day -
Wednesday 23 October
Students are invited to join the Term 4 celebration of Kindness by wearing red! They will be joining in to a range of school activities focussed on our final value focus day for the year.