Around the College
Year 12 Geography Tree Planting
It is a tradition of the College for our Year 12 Geography students to plant a tree on the College grounds of behalf of the Year 12 cohort of that year. This year the students planted a Cupaniopsis anacardioides, also known as Tuckeroo, which is a versatile and hardy tree native to Australia. Planting trees within urban areas is an important part of increasing biodiversity in our environment.
Judi Schmidt
Geography Learning Leader
Year 10 Solo Night
On Tuesday, 5 November the Year 10 Music class presented solo performances to their family and friends in the music room.
This event showcased twelve talented students, playing a range of instruments including bass guitar, drum kit, alto and tenor saxophone, clarinet, piano and vocals.
A diverse range of pieces were performed, including the Mario Kart theme on bass by Flynn Hutchinson, When You Believe from the Prince of Egypt sung by Alex Fechner and the jazz piece Stranger on the Shore played on clarinet by Jemma Gillard. Considering it was their first public solo performance, students performed at a high level and created highly engaging performances. A big thank you to all of the instrumental teachers for their support of the students, and to Daniel Wooldridge for helping to assess them.
Catherine Stanley
Music Learning Leader
Arts and Technologies Exhibition:
Last Friday we showcased and celebrated the final products of our Year 12 Arts and Technologies classes. The artists, designers and product manufacturers embraced exploration, transformation and innovation; all elements found within this year's theme, Wonderland.
Congratulations to all senior students involved in this exhibition. Each piece was unique and expertly crafted. Your passion, creativity, and relentless determination in completing your projects was truly inspiring.
Each of you has poured countless hours into your work, navigating challenges, pushing boundaries, and honing your creativity.
These skills you’ve gained and the experiences you’ve shared this year will guide you as you continue to explore your creativity beyond the classroom.
Also a special congratulations to Liam Wallace who was presented with the Principal's Award for Technologies and Olivia Gregurev who was presented with the Principal's Award for the Arts.
A big thank you to the entire Art and Design and Design Technologies faculties for the dedication and support of all students, and a special thank you to both the Food Technologies and Music faculties for contributing to the event with great flare.
It was a fantastic night celebrating the achievements and talents of our Arts and Technologies students and the creative process that led to their final product/s.
Andrew Harten
Arts Learning Leader
Wayne Slattery
Design Technologies Learning Leader