Wellbeing in Year 6

The Year 6 students have been focussing on peer connectiveness all year, aiming to improve and consolidate skills in respectful relationships. Through many opportunities to work in teams, students have been learning strategies to deal with differences of opinions, build courage to confidently share ideas and respect the opinions of others.


The students have been discussing the importance of, and practising the skill of, learning to work with less familiar peers, knowing that this is vital when transitioning to high school. The art and techniques of opening conversations and getting to know someone has been learned through class partner work, team building games and opportunities to play together with board games and sporting activities. All our skills were successfully exhibited on our school camp where all students were able to work together in challenging and fun situations.


Some of the strategies the students learned when working with someone they don’t normally work with included: finding out their partner’s strengths and interests, asking questions to get to know them better, and remaining true to themselves when answering questions. Students were also encouraged to work with mixed abilities and genders.


Here is what some of our students said about working with other students:


“Everybody has slowly become more comfortable with other peers and feeling more connected.” Nisha 


“I learned that Sai likes pizza.” Joyce


“I enjoyed and felt comfortable to work with everyone”. Anshu


“I learned about what other people do after school.” Etaash