The Stand Up Project

 Year 3 Student Workshop

The Stand Up Project- Year 3 Student Workshop

Over the past several weeks, our Year 5 Stand Up Project Leaders have been planning and preparing their workshop for the Year 3 classes!


This week, they presented the workshop and taught the Year 3 students all about the Stand Up Project, what the bystander effect entails and how they can be an upstander to not only share the message that unkind behaviour is not acceptable at Burwood East Primary, but also about the importance of supporting students who have been the target of mean on purpose or bullying behaviours.


The SUP leaders worked hard to ensure that their workshop was informative, engaging and had opportunities for active participation and application of the newly learned skills.

They explained how we can be an upstander by choosing one of the four Ds (Direct, Delay, Delegate and Distract) to address the behaviour and support the target.


But what about if you are the person who is the target of mean on purpose or bullying (mean on purpose that is repeated over and over)? Well, the Year 5s introduced the No-Go-Tell-Change approach, where No reminds us to assertively let the person being mean know that you don’t like it, Go reminds us to move away to safety, Tell reminds us to get help from a trusted adult and Change reminds us to continue to work for change, that is, being an upstander when you see others being mean on purpose and surrounding yourself with peers that make you feel supported and safe. 


Next on the Year 5 SUP Leader plan of action is to run the student workshops with the Year 4s!