Italian News

Ciao a tutti,
This year, the theme for Italian day is Carnevale. While students are learning about Carnevale in Italian lessons, during Art time they are designing and decorating their mask in preparation for our Italian day.
All students from Prep to Year 6 are currently in the process of painting and decorating their mask. We have been particularly focusing on Carnevale di Venezia to inspire us for ideas and the children are certainly doing that. The masks are looking amazing and they are not finished yet. Students will then wear their masks and whatever they decide to wear with their masks to our Carnevale parade on Italian day.
All parents are most welcome to our assembly which will begin at 8.50am like a normal Friday. The assembly will be led by our Italian leaders and features a number of surprises and special guests, including the student parade, where the children will get the opportunity to show off their beautiful masks and costumes.
Throughout the day, all students will be involved in a number of different activities.
At 10.00am Prep, 1 and 2 will attend an incursion in the hall while Years 3 to 6 will attend the same incursion at 10.30am.
After lunch there is a Year 6 vs teacher Human foosball match, arancini making demonstration with Anna Tornese from Healthy Hut, as well as design competition and other classroom activities.
If your child would like to order a special Italian lunch order, don’t forget to go online and secure your order before the closing date. This year Anna and I have chosen items to compliment the theme of Carnevale. Arancini, panini, bomboloni (donuts) and the kids favourite - gelato.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday 15th November.
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