Religious Education

Gospel Reflection - All Saints Day (November 1)
Gospel Reading
Matthew 5:1-12
Jesus teaches what it means to be happy.
Family Connection
One of the great gifts of our Catholic tradition is remembrance of and prayer with the saints. The Church offers us an official canon, or list, of saints. On All Saints Day, we recall and pray with these saints. It is important to continue to tell these stories of saints and saintly people to our children so that they have ample models of people of faith for their own lives.
Together as a family, name and tell the story of favorite saints. Together prepare a list of some of the traits that these people have in common (generosity, courage, prayerfulness, and so on) After preparing this list, read together today's Gospel, Matthew 5:1-12. Identify how the attitudes described in the Beatitudes are reflected in the lives of the saints and people you named.
Pray together as a family a Litany of the Saints. (For example, the leader prays, “St. Elizabeth,” and the children are invited to reply, “Pray for us.”) Include in your list the saints and holy people you named in your discussion.
Conclude by praying that your family will follow the example of these people as disciples of Jesus.
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader