Learning @ TPPS 

Exciting News: Grade 5 & 6 School Musical Announcement!

We are thrilled to announce that this year's Grade 5 and 6 musical production will be

 Disney's Finding Nemo: The Musical! 


Many of you may be familiar with Finding Nemo from the film, but the stage adaptation is a musical. 


Performance Dates:


 Wednesday, 17th September 2025 • 

•  Thursday, 18th September 2025  •


This is the last week of Term 3


Both performances will take place in the evening at the George Wood Performing Arts Centre. More information regarding ticket sales will be shared later in the year, so stay tuned to the newsletter and compass!


Student Involvement: Every Grade 5 and 6 student will play an important role in making our production spectacular. For students interested in a lead role, auditions will be held in late Term 2, with preparations ramping up in Term 3 as we work together to bring the production to life.


How Parents Can Support:  Parents can support their children by noting the production dates and ensuring there are no major holiday conflicts, especially for those aiming for a lead role.  However, if there is a date clash, rest assured that every student will have a part to play in the production.


Lower Primary Involvement:  Students in lower primary can also contribute by contributing to our Prop Competition—more information to come about this. 


We are incredibly excited to embark on this creative journey with our Grade 5 and 6 cohorts.  Keep an eye on future newsletters for more updates and important information.

Sport News

On Monday, March 3rd, 21 students represented Templestowe Park at the Division Swimming Carnival at Aquanation.    It was a hugely successful day, with our swimmers competing strongly against tough opposition.


A special congratulations to the nine students who have progressed to the Regional Finals—an incredible achievement! Well done to all competitors for giving their best effort and representing our school with pride.


Best of luck to those competing in the Regional Finals on March 21st!



Interrelate Relationships Education Program and ‘Tricky Talks’ Family Evening – Keep the date free!

For many years, TPPS have used the organisation ‘Interrelate’, a not-for-profit provider of relationship services that specialise in supporting parents and children, to help us deliver relationship and sexuality programs. The programs empower families to build and navigate strong, resilient and healthy relationships, from primary school through to adulthood. TPPS host an ‘in class’ Interrelate program for our Grade 5 classes annually (not in Grade 6) which this year, will occur at the beginning of Term 2.  Prior to the ‘in class’ program commencing, parents will be offered the opportunity to attend an online adult only information session to learn about what will be presented in the program. Specific information about the Interrelate program will be posted as a separate Compass event for Grade 5 families.


In addition to this, TPPS are also offering families in Grades 3-6 the opportunity to participate in the ‘Tricky Talks’ programs next term.  This is for interested families online on the evening of Tuesday 20th May (Tm 2 Wk 5). Parents will be offered the opportunity to attend an online adult only information session prior to the event to learn about what will be presented in the program.  This will be held on Wednesday 26th March at 7pm.


‘Tricky Talks’ offers two sessions for families to participate in together in the comfort and privacy of their own home.  It is intended for children and parents to sit together at home as there will be opportunities for families to ‘turn and talk’ about the subject matter together during the session and then continue the conversation at the conclusion (students in Grades 3-6).  Sessions are intended to promote an open and supportive environment for you to discuss relationships with your child.  The family evening complements, but does not replace, what is delivered in the Grade 5 at school program. Each session runs for 60 minutes, with a 15-minute break in between. The programs on offer are as follows:


Session 1 - Where did I come from? 6.00-7.00pm

Audience: Grade 3&4 students and their parents/carers

Program objectives and focus

  • To help children aged 8-10 years gain an understanding of the structure and functions of the reproductive system in males and females.
  • To provide information on conception (describing sexual intercourse, associated with love in the context of a caring relationship), foetal development, twin explanation and birth of a baby.
  • Personal safety and protective behaviours.
  • To provide opportunities for parents and children to discuss various aspects of reproduction in an informal way.
  • To reinforce the role of parents as a source of information on matters pertaining to sexuality and reproduction.

Note: Older students are encouraged to attend if they have not previously seen this program.


Session 2 – Preparing for Puberty 7.15-8.15pm

Audience: Grade 5&6 students and their parents/carers

Program objectives and focus

  • To provide information on puberty for 10-13 year olds, in relation to the physical changes and emotional changes (in particular, helping them feel comfortable about their bodies and its functions; preparing them for the changes during puberty and dispelling the myths; and providing accurate, understandable information).
  • To help young people feel okay about being different and that the physical changes can be at a different rate for everyone.
  • To develop students’ understanding of periods and sperm production, as well as the physical, emotional, social and intellectual changes associated with puberty for both boys and girls.
  • Enhance awareness of children’s personal safety and protective behaviours.
  • To confirm their individuality and promote self-esteem.
  • To facilitate communication between parents and their children and encourage young people to take their questions, problems and concerns to their parents.

Note: Younger students are welcome to attend at the discretion of their parents/carers.

More information about the program will be provided closer to the time, but we encourage you to put the date in your diary now.

We hope that these programs give our families the opportunity to create an open line of communication between parents and their children, led by highly skilled educators. If you would like further information about Interrelate including their history, please visit their website:  https://www.interrelate.org.au/