Wellbeing @ MPS

Respectful Relationships @ MPS

At MPS, we are a proud Respectful Relationships school. RR helps to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. It teaches our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. In Term 1, our topics are:


Topic 1: Emotional Literacy

Students develop the ability to be aware of, understand and use information about the emotional states of themselves and others.


Topic 2: Personal and Cultural Strengths

Students develop a vocabulary to help them recognise and understand strengths and positive qualities in themselves and others. They identify the values and strengths they have learnt from role models within their families and culture to think about how this guidance helps them to treat others with respect. They consider how to draw on these strengths to engage with the challenges and opportunities that life presents.


RR Cluster Meeting

On Wednesday, we hosted our local Respectful Relationships schools for our first cluster meeting of the year. This allowed teachers from MPS and several other local schools to come together with our RR Project Lead to discuss how we are implementing the program at our schools and our goals for 2025.


Charlotte and Neive, two of our Wellbeing Captains, started the meeting with the Acknowledgement of Country and then shared what they have learnt in the program and why it is important to them. They did a wonderful job, and the group was very impressed with them. 


International Women’s Day

Today we celebrated International Women’s Day, with staff and students wearing purple. Below are some profiles of inspiring women, created by 6Y.