
We have been learning some new things and having plenty of fun in science.


Foundation students had their first science session last week. We focussed on the rules of the science room and that science is about things all around us. Students then learnt about bubbles and blew their own bubbles outside.


Year 1’s and 2’s are learning about different tastes; sweet, salty, sour and bitter by trying some different foods. We also considered how we use our other senses when we are thinking about taste. Have you ever had yellow watermelon or pink coloured vanilla ice cream? Did they taste how you thought they would?


Year 3 and 4’s and investigating forces and motion with some hands-on scenarios. They predicted which ball (a golf ball or a ping pong ball - being the same size but different weights) would hit the ground first when being dropped at the same time from the same height. They carried it out while filming it, repeating it 3 times to see if the results were the same each time. Which one do you think would hit the ground first? You may be surprised with the result.


Year’s 5 & 6 are learning about the states of matter and how things are classified ais solid, liquid or gas. They enjoyed making and playing with oobleck which can act as a solid or a liquid depending on the force 

that is applied to it.




Monty Primary School is participating in Cup Rescue, 

a coffee cup recycling program. 

This program helps to divert takeaway cups from land

fill and allowing them to be upcycled into something new. 

If you would like to recycle your takeaway cup you can

 find the collection point in the school office. If you would 

like to know more about the program check out the

website and see what the cups can be turned into!







Elisa Cleeve,

SAKG Science Teacher