Performing Arts & Music


The Foundation and Grade 1 students have continued to read the ‘Charlie the Conductor’ book, learning the musical elements through story. We have learnt all about beat, rhythm, dynamics, pitch and tempo through the different characters in the book. A favourite is ‘Barry Beat’ where we chant and stomp to the beat when we say his name.

They enjoyed learning all the different chants and actions for the different musical element characters. We played a dice game, where we roll the dice and say and do the chant of the element it landed on.


The Grade 2 and 3 students have continued expanding their musical notes knowledge. They have revised crotchets, quavers and crotchet rests and now also know semibreves and minims. They have created their own group body percussion compositions using these notes and performed them to the class. They are now excitedly working on using different percussion instruments to perform new compositions to the class. They have loved practising in the outdoors space around the Discovery Centre.



Mrs Sam Clancy 

Performing Arts Specialist Teacher