Years 7-9 Coordinators

Jodie Bishop & Kim Fitzpatrick

7-9 Key Dates


Thur6thNCD Triathlon 
Tues11thLMR Swimming (only for those that qualify)
Weds - Fri12th - 14thYr 8 Surf Camp
Weds12thNAPLAN testing begins (Yrs 3, 5, 7 & 9)
Tues18thSchool Photos
Fri21stNAPLAN testing concludes
Fri4thEnd of Term 

We are already over half way through the term, how time flies! By now you should have spoken or received a phone call from your child’s advisor checking on how things are with your child from your end. Almost all Student Support Group meetings have taken place for the term. A big thank you to all the parents and staff who have been involved in these meetings. A lot of work goes into setting up the plans to aim for student success. 


From the 34 students who have attended all classes across the school, only 6 of these students came from the 7 to 9 area of the school. Not only does absence lesson children learning to the best of their ability, but it has a huge impact on social connection. The only reason your child should be away from school is if they are unwell. Let’s see if we can increase this number in the second half of term. 


Good luck to our students participating in the Triathlon tomorrow (Thursday), give it your best shot! I know you will uphold the values of our College and represent us in a positive manner. 


Good luck to our fish, Stella next Tuesday when she represents the College at the Loddon Mallee Region Swimming Carnival. Swim well Stella!


A reminder that it is a student free day this Friday, as the staff have a Curriculum day in Swan Hill and Monday is the Labour Day Public Holiday. Enjoy the extra-long weekend everyone! 😊

Well done Year 8!

Over the past week, Year 9 received 10 (1.25/student) positive behaviour submissions, Year 7 (2.2/student) received 29 and Year 8 received 52 (4/student). Year 8 can negotiate a small reward with their Teacher Advisors. 

Weekly Wrap: Year 7


In Advisory yr 7 have been participating in team building games and activities, along with becoming familiar with the College values and SWPBS.  Here the students are playing the Rock, Paper, Scissors course and having a great time!”


The Yr 7s have been learning about museum exhibits in Humanities.  The Boort camp was an opportunity for them to see different types of exhibits and how they were set up and displayed, including the types of information that is provided to the viewer. The students then put together an exhibit of their own, including items special to them that represent their personal history thus far. Students also learnt about what they have in common through this interesting activity


Distorted Stars

Students have been learning about the Art Elements of Line, Colour, Shape and Form.

They have been asked to produce a piece of work using a combination of medium. Students are working on their trial pieces before they move to a final published piece.


This week in Year 7 Maths we completed an online practice Naplan test – enabling us to become familiar with the program and how questions may be set out. We have also continued to use Google Classroom to access our differentiated learning on Positive Integers and Decimals.


Food Tech: 

Year 7's have been busy studying the methods of cookery! Over the last two weeks they have made Raspberry Buns and Cheesy Ham Scrolls using the 'Rubbing In Technique'.