Student Wellbeing
Jessica McGurk
Student Wellbeing
Jessica McGurk
The Wellbeing Space is open each lunchtime from 1-1:30pm. Students are reminded that they need to eat their lunch before joining in the activities. Please see the attached timetable for more details. We look forward to seeing everyone at lunchtime.
Over the year, CCV run a wide-range of one-off parent programs, as well as lengthier workshops. The delivery is both online & face-to-face & addresses a range of range of useful topics. Some programs are free, however some attract a cost.
Each term they publish a calendar which will feature on the Parent’s Bulletin. In the past, a number of staff & families have participated in CCV programs & have spoken very highly of them. Please see the attached flyer as to what’s on offer this term.
Register at:
CCV also offer single session parent consultations which are available on weekdays, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. Consultations are offered via phone, online via Zoom, or face-to-face. To book a single-session parent consultation, call the Bendigo office reception on (03) 5438 1300.
Share the Dignity are currently offering free period underwear, menstrual cups or menstrual discs to young people aged between 13-19 years.
To receive the product all the young person needs to do is pop in their details to “join” the Eco Period Club and select which reusable product they would like to receive and over the next 12 months they will be sent two surveys to see how they found using the product.
Please see the flyer attached to the back of the newsletter for further details.