Merri-Bek Youth Engagement

Ms Zoe Slatter

Merri-bek Youth Engagement 

Merri-bek Youth is a local free youth service that allows young people to learn skills, find work, meet friends and have fun. Year 7 and 8 students at John Fawkner College are connecting with the Merri-bek Council Youth Services team during school hours to find out all the local free activities and events that run during the Term and in the school holidays.


Community Sports Stadium - Fawkner

  • Helping Hoops Girls-Only Basketball runs Mondays from 4:30 pm for girls 10 and up.
  • Fast Break Basketball runs on Thursdays from 3:15 pm - 5 pm for 12-18s
  • Youth Drop-In Space for games, arts and crafts every Thursday 3:15 pm - 5 pm