Around the School

End Of Year Reminders

Students will finish school at 3.07pm on Wednesday 13 December.


Closing service will be held on Wednesday 13 December at 2.00pm


The school office will be closed from 4.00pm on Thursday 14 December and will reopen at 9.00am on Monday 15 January 2024.

For urgent enquiries outside of these dates, please email or leave a message on the answering machine and staff will respond as soon as possible.

Uniform Shop Holiday Opening hours

The uniform shop will only be available during the school holidays from Monday 22 January 2024 until Thursday 25 January 2024 between 9.00am and 3.00pm. No appointments are required; however, the front door will be locked, please press the doorbell and a staff member will assist you.

Secondhand Uniform

Unfortunately, we do not accept secondhand uniform. There is a GGLPS Parents page on Facebook that we recommend parents use to sell items they no longer require. 

Volunteer Breakfast / Afternoon Tea

To members of our school community who have been volunteers in 2023, we invite you to attend a breakfast or afternoon tea on Friday 8 December.

Student Stationery 2024

Orders for 2024 stationery can now be placed via the below link. To ensure delivery prior to school starting, all orders will need to be placed by Friday 15 December 2023.

End Of Year Fun Day


Click images below for more information

Christmas Lights

Code Camp

These school holidays GGLPS is hosting Code Camp. Please see attached a flyer with more information, including how to book.

Library books

It's that time of year again when we ask that all library books find their way back to the library for counting.

Class teachers have a list of students that need to return books before the end of next week (8/12/23).

Parents are required to contact library staff (Ruth Carter at if the books can not be located.

Hunt high and low!


Thank You

Ruth Carter