Parents and Friends News

Dear families,


What a wonderful evening we had last Thursday with the End of Year Celebration in the courtyard. It was great to see so many families in attendance and all the children playing together.


Thanks to the school for their organisation, especially Ange Collins for organising the performances.


An End of Year P&F Report will be distributed before the end of the year outlining P&F activities from the year.


Thank you to the families that have supported P&F activities throughout the year and volunteered to help out as well. Thanks to Katie Mills, Pat Goyne and Keira Peatling for their assistance during the year.


It is a busy time of year, I hope everyone enjoys the break and has a Merry Christmas! 





Review of events and fundraisers


Christmas Colouring Competition

Well done to the students on the work they have done on their Christmas Colouring Competition.  Prizes will be awarded soon.


Ongoing Fundraisers

My Name Label


Committee Updates & Information

Contact details for P&F

President:    Vacant

Secretary:    Jacklyn Lamb

Committee Members:  Katie Mills, Pat Goyne and Keira Peatling




P&F Meetings

A meeting will be scheduled in early Term 1 2024.


For events in 2024 we hope to get more involvement from the school community and will ask for coordinators of each event/fundraiser.


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions/suggestions: