Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight - Weeks 9 and 10

Junior Years

Mrs Caldow:

Ella Di Clemente for always sharing the equipment in the room and including others.

Reuben Thomas for joining in the singing and being respectful during the school Mass.

Miss Turk:

Jack Wright for showing resilience when things don't always go his way.

Great work Jack!

Mubarak Koko for participating with reverence during the end of year school mass. 

Well done Mubarak!

Mr Morrison:

Aryan Chandran for doing so well with his swimming and listening to instructions. Awesome Stuff Aryan. 

Lucy Clark for having a great year and being such a awesome member of the class. 

Keep it up Lucy.

Mrs Weber:

Kate Miksad for adding more detail in her writing and for working hard to complete her work in the time allocated.

Jayvir Pooni for always helping out in the classroom offering to clean up 

without being asked.

Miss Finn:

AJ Miller for his improvement in handwriting and persistence in completing work.

 Well done!


Cassius Ralph for his imagination in creating narrative stories.

 Keep it up!

Ali Bakhsh for your enthusiasm in writing and working hard. 

Keep up the good work! 


Patrick Peatling for his persistence and effort in writing.

Keep it up Patrick!

Mr Maskell:

Sachi Kaur for outstanding work and consistently doing the right thing in the classroom

Aria Nicholson for trying hard to produce her best writing!


Ayva O’Donnell for being a friendly and patient student, assisting and helping her peers. 

Miss Sidebottom:

Iziah Egan for his persistence and growth in his reading.

Keep up the great work Iziah! 

Ivy Weber Sylvia Dickins and for their outstanding and consistent behaviour all year. 

Keep it up girls. 

Mr Andronaco:

Kristen Espiridion for her strong writing in her handwriting practice and her persuasive writing. Great Work!

Logan Brand for his amazing efforts in his handwriting and positive attitude. 

Middle Years:

Mr O'Hara:

Adriyanna Del Rosario for her courage to sing in front of everyone at the parent night.

Great work Adriyanna!

Sabiana Selaj for always creating work full of creativity and colour. 

Keep it up Sabiana!

Mr Secchi:

Sara Tawde for the excellent effort you have put into you writing this term. 

Your graphic story was absoulutely wonderful! 

Keep it up, Sara!

Sandra Jain for the effort you have put into your maths this year, you have come such a long way and should be very proud of yourself!

Well done, Sandra!

Mr Renato:

Navraj Singh for being able to master the two by two digit multiplication process. 

Well-done for all your hard work in achieving this.  

Neve Hunter for improving her writing and showing accuracy and forming her letters correctly.  Keep it up Neve!  

Mrs Dainton:

Elsie Lamb for her positivity in all areas of the curriculum.

Her writing pieces are well planned, well structured and written for her audience.

Well Done Elsie !

Lucy Mills for her consistency in her Mathematical Times Tables.

Well Done Lucy !

Mr Howley:

Ryan Paul for his super effort in the pool. Ryan focused on improving his skill level and was promoted to a higher level.

Hugh Riseley for his excellent writing over the last three weeks.

He is using sentences, paragraphs and a good story line.


Senior Years

Mr Beks:


Mr Lindon:

Shirlyn Maina for being able to follow instructions, classroom routines and 

engage in all learning tasks. 

Keep it up Shirlyn! 

Macie Gooiker for her outstanding and consistent behaviour all year, 

all with a kind and caring approach. 

Well done Macie! 

Mr Iorianni:

Hudson Woods for displaying excellent leadership and cooperation skills with his classmates during our kickball tournament.  Great to witness!

Well done, Hudson!

Isabelle Pensak for being a model of consistency with her class work. 

She has been organised, used her time wisely and

 produced some wonderful work to show her learning. 

Well done, Isabelle.

Mrs Baldacchino/Miss Casey:

Japman Liddar for being an eager participant in our class and always 

contributing his ideas. 

Well done Japman.

Aarush Patel for being a very dedicated learner and completing all set tasks in a timely manner.  Well done Aarush.