Parish News

As Christmas Eve falls on a weekend this year, below are Mass times.
Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion & Altar Servers
More Volunteers are urgently needed – if you are able to assist to fill any of the spaces below please contact Helen Williamson on 0408 970 120.
Christmas Offering Envelopes
These are now Available at the Church Entrances.
The Christmas Eve Children’s Mass -
Plans are underway for school aged children to take part and participate in this Mass by coming along dressed as either an Angel or a Shepherd. Children will need to supply their own costume. The specific roles of Mary, Joseph, the Three Wise Men, Readers and Offertory Procession will be allocated by Fr John.
On Wednesday we celebrated the closing school Mass and farewelled our Year 6 Students who are heading off to high school along with some of our Year 4 Boys who are moving to other schools to finish their primary education next year. Although they are moving on, may they always feel welcome at St Martha’s. We extend our congratulations and best wishes and ask everyone to keep them in your prayers over the holiday period. May God continue to guide them on their faith journey.
2nd Rite of Reconciliation
Will be held at 7.00pm on Monday 18th December