Religious Education News
Mrs Cindy Ronzini (REC)
Religious Education News
Mrs Cindy Ronzini (REC)
I wish every one of you a blessed and safe Christmas. May you share this special time with your friends and family.
The following are the Mass times at St Martha’s for this Holy Season.
Thank you to Michael Mangan for leading our Christmas Concert on Thursday. It was so lovely to see our St Martha’s Community come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the St Merkorious Christmas Appeal. Our donations will help people less fortunate in our community.
We congratulate Lara and Sanjiv Raj (Stage 3) for making it to the showcase of the Christmas Art Competition last weekend.
Each year, students from Year 6 from Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) participate in the Religious Education Test. It tests students on their knowledge and understanding of the Religious Education curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 6. I am pleased to announce that our results were above the SCS average and we received the following results:
15 students received credits
7 students received distinctions
Congratulations to the Year 6 students for their consistent efforts and receiving fantastic results. I am so proud of every one, well done!