Assistant Principal's 


Mr Lockhart

School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports - SWPBS 


SWPBS is a multi-tiered framework; we currently have Tier 1 supports in place that are for all of our students. These include: 

  • Our Expected Behaviour Matrix
  • Responding to Inappropriate Behaviours
  • Upstander Matrix 
  • Creating Successful Classrooms 
  • Student Reinforcement Matrix. 

Tier 1 'differentiated and explicit teaching for all students', or school-wide interventions, are the critical foundation for SWPBS. Interventions are at the whole-school level and are provided to all students across academic, emotional and behaviour dimensions of learning.


Tier 2 or 'focused' interventions support approximately 15% of students in a typical school who are not responding to Tier 1 and who have moderate, ongoing behaviours of concern (social, behavioural and academic). Support is provided through additional Tier 2 or "targeted" level interventions. The focus of Tier 2 is to reduce the number of existing students requiring additional support.


Tier 3 supports are the most intensive supports the school offers. These  supports are the most resource intensive due to the individualised  approach of developing and carrying out interventions. At this level,  schools typically rely on formal assessments to determine a student’s  need and to develop an individualized support plan. Student plans often  include goals related to both academics as well as behaviour support. 


Currently we have a number of students participating in Tier 2 supports.


Afterschool Basketball.


Afterschool Basketball will finish in Week 10.


Exiting School Via Chapel St


Yesterday I witnessed the concrete pouring of the steps that will run down from Hospital Street and pass the newly constructed Donaldson Park Clubrooms.  This will negate the need to walk up Chapel Street to Hospital Street where there is no footpath. Can’t wait until this is open to our students, for the interim if we can avoid this intersection that would be great, if you are using it please stay off the road.