Deputy Principal- Teaching & Learning

  Kamila Bielinski 


A reminder to all Year 8-12 students to continue reading for pleasure during the Christmas break.

15-20 minutes each day will assist with spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.

Set texts for STEP and English have been provided to each child, and it is essential that each student reads their novel/s during the break. 


The College theme for 2023 has been Known and Loved which is associated with many of our core College and Catholic values.  I commend those students who have lived out the college theme throughout the year, treating all others with respect, speaking out against injustice, and advocating for others. 

As we begin this new Advent season, let us pray for the gift of Jesus and the Spirit, fostering calm and peace in our hearts. May we recognise, welcome, and reach out to the vulnerable and lonely within our communities, ensuring that the season of Christmas is a source of warmth and companionship for all.


May the blessing of joy abide within you. May the blessing of peace rest upon you.May the blessing of love flow out through you.May all the blessings of the Lord be yours at Christmas and in the New Year.
