Deputy Principal & 

Student Wellbeing 

  Greg Van Es

College Expectations for 2024




Daily school attendance is important for young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Young people who regularly attend school have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. 


The school places great importance in all students being at school on time, every day the school is open for instruction. Furthermore, under the Education and Training Reform Act (2006) students are legally required to attend school.


Normal school hours for attendance are 8:50am for Homeroom and 3:20pm finish. The College Contemporary Learning Centre is open from 8am to 5:00pm Monday to Thursday and 4:30pm on Friday. Students who have Study periods in their timetable are still expected to attend school at normal times and attend the CLC for these times. Students who are regularly late for the start of Homeroom or classes will be issued with consequences where that time is made up during recess, lunchtime or at a Behavior Support Clinic after school on a Thursday afternoon.


I understand that sometimes getting your child to school may be difficult. We are prepared to work in partnership with you to improve your child’s attendance. Also be advised that we are required, under the Victorian Legislation for School Attendance, to refer any cases of regular absenteeism to the Department of Education.


Uniform Expectations

All students and families should be familiar with, and be clear about, what is expected of our students regarding uniform and personal presentation. When students make a choice not to observe these standards, they are choosing to disregard College expectations and staff will be obliged to issue consequences to assist the student to be responsible for their choices.


Students have a responsibility to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in all situations,particularly where they are wearing the College uniform.  We expect that students will always be well-groomed and behave with courtesy, common sense, and consideration for others.


Key information for Term 1 will be sent via an Operoo document. It is a matter of equity and fairness that all students are held to account regarding uniform and personal grooming. It is therefore crucial that students know that all breaches of the policy will be followed up and the required consequences will be implemented.


In Term 1, we will work alongside students and families to ensure that uniform and grooming is consistent for all students within the College. The focus on uniform complements our learning programs, and while it may seem more important to focus on classroom programs, adherence to our expectations is equally important and this is why we will continue to enforce the uniform policy. We will seek support by making contact directly with parents and carers if we must follow up with your child regarding the Uniform Policy and thank you in anticipation of your support.


Mobile Phones:


Our Mobile Phone Policy reflects the State Government Policy (Term 1 2020) on mobile phone use in Secondary schools. This policy requires phones brought to school to be switched off and stored securely during the day. The aim of this policy is to provide: a safe environment to learn without inappropriate mobile phone use (including cyberbullying) or distractions, plus greater opportunities for social interaction and physical activity during classes, recess, and lunchtime.

  Details of these studies can be found at




•        The individual student is responsible for the security of their phone. All students are provided with a locker and an individual combination lock to ensure that secure storage of the device is possible.

•        The phone is to be turned off and locked in the individual student’s locker throughout the school day, from the start of Homeroom until the end of period 6.

•        The preferred arrangement for emergency contact of students during the school day is for parents/guardians to contact Reception so that a message can be passed on. St John’s Regional College staff can also contact a parent/guardian if required through Student Services.

•       For the canteen, students will need to ensure they have cash or a physical bank card if they wish to pay for items electronically.

•             Students who bring a phone to class or have a phone on the yard will:

  o           Be immediately required to turn the phone off and hand it to the teacher

  o           Be issued with a Thursday Behavior Support Clinic

  o           Be issued with escalating consequences in consultation with their parents and House                 Leader if they are issued with a third Thursday Behavior Support Clinic.


I ask all parents and carers as a matter of urgency to discuss these expectations with their children.


I thank those families and students who regularly adhere to the College expectations.