Alumni News

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Spotlight on past graduate Lakmini Fernando - Studying to become an English & Psychology Teacher
This week, we caught up with one of our past graduates, Lakmini Fernando, who was our Student Representative Council (SRC) President in 2022. Lakmini recently completed her first year at Monash University, where she is studying a Bachelor of Secondary Education and Arts (with a Major in Literary Studies and a Minor in Psychology). Lakmini plans to be an English and Psychology Teacher when she graduates in 2026.
Lakmini returned to our College earlier this year, when she spent two weeks as a Pre-Service Teacher, working with Ms Ward. As a first year uni student, Lakmini spent that time mostly observing teachers in their classes, learning from them and finding out the best ways to help students. Lakmini enjoyed conducting an activity on the water cycle for a Year 7 Humanities class during the week, and thought it was "great fun". Teaching comes naturally to Lakmini, who tutors Year 6 and 7 primary school students with their English work.
Lakmini initially found her first year at Monash University a little daunting, especially adjusting to a new form of schooling, but she has really enjoyed it and is looking forward to next year.
University holidays are much longer than secondary school, so in her spare time Lakmini will try and look for another job and spend time with her friends, most of which are from Pakenham Secondary (with two of her friends also attending Monash University).
Lakmini recommends Monash University if you are interested in a teaching career, mentioning that they have many resources, includin tutors and lecturers, who are a great help with everything you need to know. Lakmini believes that the course itself is very helpful and that she has already learned so much.
She also suggested doing a double degree, rather than a Specialist Degree followed by a Master of Teaching, not only because it reduces costs, but according to Lakmini, "it is much more helpful as you get to learn your specialist subjects as well as the teaching side at the same time. If, after you have completed your degrees, you realise you don’t want to be a teacher, there are other options for you, related to your specialist area".
We hope that Lakmini has a wonderful holiday, enjoys her second year at Monash University, and we are confident that she will return to Pakenham Secondary College soon.
Are you interested in a career in teaching?
A reminder that if you are interested in a teaching career, the Government announced in September that studying to become a teacher in Victoria will be free next year and the year after.
Scholarships will be available to all students who enrol in secondary school teaching degrees in 2024 and 2025, with final payments if they then work in Victorian government schools for two years after they graduate.