Careers Corner

Australian Apprenticeships Pathways Website
The Australian Apprenticeships Pathways site contains a wealth of information for anyone considering an apprenticeship as their career. Not only does it provide information about the organisation, the website also offers a range of support and advice across a number of areas. You can explore as a student, job hunter, employer and more. However, I would like to draw your attention to the quizzes. Are you ready to commence an apprenticeship? Complete the ‘Readiness Quiz’ to find out.
More importantly, check out the Literacy and Numeracy Quizzes for a range of industries. These quizzes are quite lengthy and provide you with a good understanding of what level you need to be for the greatest chance of success. Once you have worked through the quiz, the answers are provided. NOTE: This is just a snapshot, there are many more available.
For further information go to:
Literacy and Numeracy testing:
Fair Work Ombudsman Website
Our VCE VM students are very familiar with this website as it is part of their curriculum. The Fair Work website is an excellent source of information for a range of topics related to the workforce. Do you know how much you should be getting paid in your job? If you are unsure, you can find out by going to the Pay and Wages tab. This tab also covers allowances in your industry of work. Do you know about your entitlements in relation to Carer’s or Parental leave? The Leave tab covers all of this. The other tabs are also extremely helpful if you need information regarding Employment Conditions, Finding Employment and Starting Employment. It is particularly helpful to students as they can develop an understanding of their rights, so they are not taken advantage of. To explore further go to:
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Qualifications
‘Jobs and Skills Australia’ has recently released a report into the benefits of completing a VET qualification (Certificate II to Advanced Diplomas). As these qualifications are vocational, they are more ‘hands-on’ compared to many university courses (degrees etc). Once a VET course is completed, a student may choose to enter the workforce or pathway into further study, which may include higher VET qualifications or university degrees (not all degrees are accessible this way and there are a number of requirements that must be met). I have discussed in previous newsletters how a nursing diploma may lead to a degree, the same in engineering.
Some of the key findings in the report included:
- A 12.4 percentage point increase in employment rates amongst VET graduates
- 82.7% secured jobs
- The income uplift is more than $10,000 on average for VET graduates
- 15.7% of VET graduates pathwayed into higher VET qualifications
- 6.7% pathwayed into university
For further reading, or to download the report, please click here
So you want to become a Landscape Gardener
Landscape Gardening and Landscape Design is becoming increasingly popular amongst students. There are a few considerations if you want a career in the landscaping area. Firstly, landscapers work outdoors in all weather conditions. If you don’t like the heat, or the cold, this may not be the best career for you! Landscaping is physically active work so you must have static and trunk strength, be co-ordinated and have manual dexterity. You must be able to work as part of a team and have good communication skills as you will communicate with customers, as well as your co-workers. You will also be working with mechanical equipment and machines so you will need to be safety conscious.
Landscaping is usually a 3-4 year apprenticeship and at the end of your training you will be awarded a Certificate III in Landscape Construction (or similar). For many courses you need to be at least 16 years of age. A Certificate III in this field is offered at some TAFE institutes as either an apprenticeship, or non-apprenticeship course. Therefore, if you are really interested but can’t find an employer for an apprenticeship, you may decide to start the certificate as a full-time student.
Landscaping has future job growth and the average age of workers in this industry is 34 years old. 76% of workers are full-time and only 5% are female. The average work hours per week is 43 hours. The closest training providers to us are Chisholm Cranbourne Campus, Holmesglen Glen Waverley Campus and Box Hill Lilydale Campus.
For further information please click here
Chisholm Institute: Certificate III in Landscape Construction
Life After the ATAR
A number of our VCE students will be waiting anxiously for their ATAR result. Some will be delighted with their score, others will be disappointed. It is important to remember that life doesn’t stop just because you didn’t get the score you had hoped for. There are so many pathways into further studies these days and, as long as you are aware of how to navigate these, there is still a chance you will get to where you want to go. It might just take a little longer to get there.
I have enclosed a link for an article titled, “What happens when you don’t get the ATAR you want?” It is worth reading as it highlights a number of scenarios that are relevant to all students. Remember, the Career’s team is here to help so feel free to contact us at any time.
Parents Information Session Webinar with Victoria University
Parents will learn about the ATAR and how it’s calculated, as well as how they can best support their children once year 12 results are released. They are also covering changing preferences and the enrolment and application processes.
They will share how Victoria University supports students as they transition to tertiary study as well as give parents the opportunity to ask their Future Students team any questions they might have.
Date: Thursday 7 December
Time: 7.30pm
Format: Online
Cost: Free
Upcoming Events SAE Melbourne (Creative Media Institute)
> More than a Score (virtual event) - 12 December 2023, 1-2pm AEDT.
No matter where SAE lands on your list, be it 1, 8, or somewhere in between (or maybe you're already part of the squad), we're inviting you to a live, interactive info session to chat all things SAE. Have your questions answered by our Course Advisor and hear from a current SAE student who will share their experience and give you an insight into what life is like as an SAE student! Come vibe with us and uncover the real deal about who we are and what sets us apart.
> Info Night - 18 January 2024
SAE Melbourne is hosting its Info Night on Wednesday 4 October. Students, parents, and teachers are invited to come along andhave all their questions answered about studying Animation, Audio, Film, Games, Design, and Music Production at SAE.
It will be a casual expo-type event where our lecturers will be available to chat and conduct campus tours. We will also havean Info session led by our Campus Manager with an Alumni and current Student Ambassador present.
SAE Digital school pack