Student of the Week

Congratulations to the following students who received
Student of Week Awards
Monday 4 December (Term 4 - Week 10)
Prep A | Filipa, Hanine |
Prep B | Michelle, Maddan |
1/2A | Sameer, Ivy |
1/2C | Hayleigh |
3/4B | Lucas |
5/6A | Ayla |
5/6B | Ivy, Payton |
ICT | PrepB |
Monday 11 December (Term 4 - Week11)
Prep A | Zahra |
Prep B | George |
5/6A | Hasan, Rhea |
5/6B | Blake |
ICT | 5/6A |
Monday 18 December (Term 4 - Week 12)
Prep A | Whole Class |
Prep B | Whole Class |
1/2A | Whole Class, Oscara |
1/2B | Whole Class, Samantha |
1/2C | Eva |
3/4A | Whole Class |
3/4B | Whole Class |
5/6A | Whole Class |
5/6B | Whole Class, Blake |
VHAP | Zara |
Congratualtions to Zara on completing the Victorian High Ability Program - English this term. We are very proud of your hard work!
Apologies for missing taking your photo :-