A message from David 

Principal's Report

Student Leaders 2024

All students in Year 6 are provided with a position of responsibility to build their leadership capabilities.  Our process for selection of leaders can be found on our website and is shared with students well before the process begins for transparency.  


We will announce next year’s School and House Captains at assembly on Friday next week.  Please note, this assembly will take place just after 9am due to our swimming program being held in the afternoon.  All other leadership positions will be communicated to students following assembly. 


It is highly likely that each of the students who showed courage to put their name forward, are feeling a nervous.  My eldest son, Archie, is going through the same experience in his quest to support his community.  Regardless of outcome, the calibre of students continues to impress.  Their presentation to peers and staff was from the heart and demonstrated a willingness to make a positive difference for Box Hill North. 


Celebrating Inclusion

Sunday marks a significant day on a global scale to observe International Day of People with Disability.  This day has been recognised since 1992 and offers opportunity for communities across the world to reflect on inclusivity through the removal of physical, technological and attitudinal barriers for people with disability.  It is closely aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with this year’s theme centred on ‘United in action’.  Seeing the person and not the disability is a philosophical belief in our community and I am proud to consistently observe inclusive practice and sound modelling of our collective approach.  


Community Connections

We look forward to hosting our last working bee for 2023 this Saturday.  We will need a couple of wheelbarrows to help on the day.  Jobs will focus on:

  • Putting greenhouse together
  • Shifting mulch to the orchard
  • Sound proofing the drum room
  • Painting
  • Oiling canteen deck

I can appreciate things are more busy than usual, particularly around this time of the year.  Any time that you and your family can spare will be greatly appreciated by the community.  Of course, if Saturday is not a viable option for you, there is always scope to action some of the works at different times.  A quick conversation with any member of the Buildings and Grounds Team, or myself is all that is needed.  


Christmas Carols are just over a week away and always a highlight on our calendar.  It’s always fun to see everyone come together and take time to connect.


Extending the Mind

We continue to offer a broad range of curriculum programs that support and challenge students, aligned to their point of need.  This is based on our personalised learning approach that starts with understanding the individual journey of every student.  In a couple of weeks, Yasmin has arranged for a group of senior students to engage in a mini-maths tournament at Blackburn High School.  The day is designed to stimulate thinking through tasks that are purposeful, open, visual and creative.  It aligns very closely with our vision for maths and will encourage students to apply critical thinking through collaboration.

