Principal News

Video transcript:


Hello everyone, and welcome to this addition of our School newsletter.


The end of the year is running out very very quickly. Last week, we celebrated all things year 12 and had a wonderful time at the formal at the Hilton with the 12s, followed very quickly by the graduation ceremony on Friday morning. It was a hot day but a beautiful ceremony, and it was so lovely to celebrate everything that the cohort had achieved and farewelled them through the traditional guard of honour at the end of the ceremony.


Over the next coming weeks, there are still many many things happening, and I look forward to welcoming you to our Junior Awards Evening, celebrating and setting up our students for success when they go to the Gold Coast to do the Australian National Volleyball Cup competition and lots of exciting extra-curricular things that our students will have access to as we draw a close to this year.


Our staff are working incredibly hard to keep our students highly engaged in the work that they're doing in their classrooms, as well as creating opportunities to have some enjoyment as we wind up to the end of the year.


For many schools and many communities, they feel like our school wines down at the end of the year, but in fact, for school leadership, we are winding up. Much of what we do leads to ensuring we start next year successfully, so it's a really really busy time of year, but as always, if there's anything we can do to help and support our families and our students, please contact us sooner rather than later so we can build that into our plans for next year. 


Between now and the end of this Term, our Year 9s will go on their celebratory boat cruise, which is something really to look forward to to celebrate the end of 3 years of Junior Secondary, prepping them for that transition into their Senior years of schooling. As we come to the close of this year as well, I would like to thank and honour our P&C and all the subcommittees that go with that group of parents who engage with us and provide really high-quality feedback about things. Some things in recent times have been the Uniform Working Committed, and so very shortly, the P&C will be sharing the outcomes for some of the lower-hanging fruits, the quick wins, that we can attribute to making students' lives easier and more comfortable in terms of the uniform


 So stay tuned and look out for what comes out of that. 


Until next time, I wish you all well, thanks.