Year 2

Ms Bowden (2A), Ms Harris (2B), Ms Broderick (2C), Ms Bandal (2D), Ms McInerney (2E), Ms Venditti & Ms Scott (2F) and Ms Yammouni  and Ms Bowman (2G)

Year 2 February Newsletter 2025


Welcome Back to Term 1!


The students have settled in wonderfully, making new friends, revisiting our school values, and getting back into the rhythm of learning. Here's a little peek at what we’ve been up to so far...


We have started the year by reviewing the sounds we learned last year and are now exploring new sounds, including the split digraph a-e (like in ‘chase’ and 'gate'). The students have enjoyed identifying these sounds in words and using them in their reading and writing. We have also been looking at retelling a narrative using Story Champs and we know that a retell should include the characters, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending and end feeling.



We have been learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dreaming Stories. We have explored where these stories come from and what lessons they teach us. So far, we have learned about Bunjil the Creator, a significant Wurundjeri story, and have had some wonderful discussions about its meaning and importance, such as caring for the lands we live on and treating others fairly.




In Maths, we have jumped straight into exploring numbers up to 1000! The students have been working on identifying the place value of digits, ordering numbers, understanding what comes before and after a given number and estimating with collections. We have revised using a calendar and looked at how a year is made up of months, weeks and days.


Social and Emotional Learning

We have spent time revisiting our school values and discussing what they look like in both the classroom and the playground. We have also re-introduced The Resilience Project [TRP], which teaches students about Gratitude, Empathy, Emotional Literacy and Mindfulness and how these can positively benefit our lives and learning. So far, we have worked on transitioning into Year 2 and how to recognise and navigate feelings.