Assistant Principal Team

Child safety and wellbeing at Gilgai Plains Primary School: information for families and the school community
Gilgai Plains Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.
Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students. Families can access all GPPS policies on Compass or the school’s website.
- Child Safety Policy
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure
- Complaints Policy
- Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
- Bullying Prevention Policy
- Volunteers Policy
- Visitors Policy
- Digital Learning Policy
Our School Council have just recently reviewed the following policies;
- Child Safety Policy
- Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure
As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Gilgai Plains Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback.
If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact Gilgai Plains Primary School at
Student Uniform
We are extremely proud of our Gilgai Plains Primary School uniform and love to see our students wear it with pride. It is compulsory for students to wear the school uniform. Parents and students may select items from the uniform list.
As we commence 2023, we would like to take this opportunity to remind families of the school’s uniform expectations.
Please note the following;
- school shoes must to be black
- socks must be black or white
- undergarments not to be visible.
As Gilgai Plains is a Sun Smart School, students are required to wear their Gilgai Plains bucket hat during all outside play during term 1 and term 4. If a student does not have their hat they will be directed to play under the shaded area.